Lakeview PLC Days
During our Professional Learning Community days, our teaching staff works to ensure the continued improvement and success of our learning outcomes for each of our students. Our scheduled PLC day provides our teaching staff the opportunity to focus their attention collaboratively to improve student learning using the following themes:
Discuss content and grade level curriculum using state and local standards
Research "Best Practice" teaching strategies
Share lessons and assessments
Review student achievement data
Our Lakeview PLC consists of our teaching team working collaboratively to improve the education of the students at Lakeview Elementary School!
For the 2015-2016 school year, we have four main school improvement goals.
Math: All students at Lakeview school will become more proficient in Math.
Students are being engaged in opportunities to solve mathematical problems in which there may be multiple correct answers. Students are asked to write the number sentence(s), solve correctly, include labels on their work, and explain their thinking about the problem.
Reading: All students at Lakeview school will improve their reading comprehension skills.
Students are reading both fiction and informational texts with purpose. They are being taught multiple strategies for understanding and explaining both kinds of text. We have included a strong focus during instruction on informational text features such as titles, headings, photographs and captions, table of contents, glossaries, indexes, etc., and students are learning how to use these features to increase their comprehension of informational texts.
Writing: All students at Franklin school will improve their writing skills.
Students are asked to write daily at Franklin school in a variety of genres including personal narrative stories, informational texts and opinion. With this goal, teachers have placed an emphasis in the content and ideas area of instruction. Students are learning to include more information and details in their writing at all grade levels and in all genres.
Science: All students at Lakeview school will improve their Science knowledge.
Students are being engaged in opportunities to work through the Scientific Process and build their Science knowledge through hands on activities. They are learning to identify the different parts of the Scientific Process and how that relates to their understanding of concepts.