Great Start Readiness Program
The Great Start Readiness Program Preschool is designed for 4 year old children who meet qualifications for this grant program. The Great Start Readiness Program preschool was previously called Michigan School Readiness Program. Students attend 4 full days Monday through Thursday.
This program is funded by a special grant from the State of Michigan. Children in this program must be 4 years of age by September 1. Emphasis is placed on parent involvement and meeting the needs of the child. The teacher conducts home visits and conferences twice during the school year. Because the Great Start Readiness preschool is a state funded program, there are certain qualifications that must be met. Our preschool is open to all children, regardless of race, nationality or creed, who may benefit from the program and who meet requirements for enrollment.
For more information, please contact Pere Marquette Early Childhood Center at
Philosophy of the Great Start Readiness Program
We believe:
- Children need a variety of age appropriate activities to allow them to develop socially, physically, emotionally, and intellectually.
- Parents are an integral part of the preschool experience.
- Play is the child's "work." Preschool offers an enriched environment in which the child learns through play with peers and caring adults.
- Each child is unique and special, developing in his own way and with his own needs. Children cannot and should not be pushed to perform academically before they are ready.
- Young children need "hands-on" activities with a variety of materials.
- Children need many opportunities to express themselves creatively through art, music, and language.
For more information, please contact Ludington Early Childhood Center at
(231) 845-3850.