Supply List

All grades:

A box of #2 pencils

A large binder (Trapper Keeper style w/folders for each class)

2 black, extra fine pens for Social Studies

Erasers - one large /chunk eraser

A box of colored markers

A box of colored pencils


1 bottle of glue (for Science)

1 or 2 highlighters

Wired earbuds or headphones for iPad 

1 Spiral bound 70-page notebook (for Science)

1 Composition Notebook for ELA classes

Fine tip black sharpies for Art


Recommended optional items:  

Spare charger or portable charger to keep at school 

Stylus for iPad


Appreciated Donations (for classroom, office, and library use)

Boxes of tissue / kleenex

Antibacterial wipes


Dry erase markers (both wide and fine tip)