Co-curricular Programs
Co-Curricular Groups
Middle school-aged students want opportunities to be recognized, develop skills and talents and give back to their community in meaningful ways. In the spirit of providing enriching learning experiences outside the normal school day, we have created some co-curricular clubs for students and aspire to add more in the near future. At present, we have the following groups that all students are welcome to join:
Business Professionals of America (BPA):
Business Professionals of America (BPA) is a national, cocurricular, career/technical organization for students in middle school, high school, and college business and technology programs. Students compete at the regional, state, and national levels in more than 50 Workplace Skills Assessment Program events, engage in community and leadership service activities, and meet business students across the state and country through participation in our programs. With nearly 5,000 members, the Michigan Association is the leading state at the national level, with the most national winners of any BPA state for more than 20 years. Our alumni go on to do great things: leading their industry, advocating for others, and achieving educational success. In conjunction with K-12 schools, colleges, and universities across the state, we help prepare today's students to become tomorrow's business professionals.
LUDINGTON BPA includes students in grades 6-12 and hold two charters: middle and high school. Recruitment for membership will begin mid-September. There are three areas that students can become involved: community volunteer, fundraising and competition. Participation in activities and events upon membership is optional. Many of our members are members in sports and other groups, and are very active in our school organization and community. BPA has a fit for everyone. See Mrs. Melanie Tomaski to sign up!
Cyborioles Robotics Team: Our Ludington Cyborioles robotics team leads the region in success and achievement! Participants in the Cyborioles will have the opportunity to collaborate with their peers in building a robot from scratch to solve problems and compete in F.I.R.S.T. Robotics competitions.
Drama Club: Students participating in the drama club will have the opportunity to learn the skills needed to participate in the theatre. Students will have the opportunity to build improv skills as well as communication skills in working with local leaders.
OJ Quiz Bowl: This will be an opportunity for students to discover a love of learning within a community of positive and supportive peers. Students in the club enjoy competing with each other in intramural teams of four or five asking and answering questions that cover a wide variety of fields, including every core subject area as well as many other cultural and entertainment topics. We are hoping to expand this to compete against other schools as well!