PikMyKid Resources
This program allows you to notify the school of pickup changes or authorize other family members to pick-up child from school and manage carpool with other parent s at school. Pikmykid will be used to send alerts when your child has been picked up.
For a full PDF parent guide that will include information about how to schedule dismissals and announce your arrival, please click here.
This video provides directions on how to download the app and register your child.
This video will give you an overview of how to use the app. Please make sure that you are ready to go on the first day of school.
PikMyKid has an amazing support line that is available for you to contact right through the app, or you can also email support@pikmykid.com.
If you still have any questions, please feel free to contact Mr. Tim Hansen at (231)845-3820 or via email at thansen@lasd.net.