Civil Rights Information
The Ludington Area Schools strives to provide an environment free from harassment, including sex-based harassment. The District's Board of Education has developed a policy consistent with this mission, which is available here.
The District will investigate all allegations of harassment, including sex-based harassment, and take appropriate action, including appropriate discipline against any individual who an investigation concludes engaged in harassment.
The District will comply with all applicable state and federal laws related to harassment, including sex-based harassment.
Complaint Process
If a resident, student, or employee of the District believes that the District or any employee or student of the District has inadequately applied the principles or regulations of these acts, he/she may bring forward a complaint (which will be referred to as a grievance) to the appropriate school official as follows:
Students may make a written or verbal complaint to the building principal, the Civil Rights Coordinator, or any other teacher or administrator. The Civil Rights Coordinator's office is located at: 809 East Tinkham Avenue, Ludington, Michigan, 49431. All District employees are required to immediately forward all written and verbal complaints to the Civil Rights Coordinator. Students may directly contact the Civil Rights Coordinator in person, via phone, at (231) 845-7303, or via email at:
Staff Members
All staff members may make written or verbal complaint to a supervisor or directly to the Civil Rights Coordinator. The Civil Rights Coordinator's office is located at: 809 East Tinkham Avenue, Ludington, Michigan, 49431. Any staff member who receives a complaint of harassment or discrimination from a student, employee, or citizen at large must immediately report it to the Civil Rights Coordinator. Staff members may directly contact the Civil Rights Coordinator in person, via phone, at (231) 845-7303, or via email at:
Citizens at Large
Citizens may make a complaint of harassment or discrimination against any employee or student of the District by contacting the Civil Rights Coordinator in person or in writing at: 809 East Tinkham Avenue, Ludington, Michigan, 49431. Telephone complaints may be made by calling (231) 845-7303. Business office hours are Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. A complaint may also be made via email to:
Any individual may make a complaint to the Office of Civil Rights before, during, after, or instead of a District investigation. The District encourages all individuals to report complaints of discrimination or harassment to the District so that the District may immediately implement corrective and preventative steps to protect the victim and begin an investigation. The Office for Civil Rights may be contacted at:
U.S. Department of Education
Office of Civil Rights
1350 Euclid Avenue, Suite 325
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
Phone (216) 522-4970
Student Code of Conduct
The Superintendent or designee will include and regularly update a statement explaining the District's policy against harassment, including sex-based harassment, in each student code of conduct. A copy of the Student Code of Conduct is available here.
Employee Handbook
The Superintendent or designee will include and regularly update a statement explaining the District's policy against harassment, including sex-based harassment, in all employee handbooks and manuals. A copy of this insertion is available here.